Thursday, October 13, 2016

There is no time for me today to compose a new Post but I fel I must say something as I am going to make another attempt at posting something in my blog.

I could talk about Donald Trump and rant and rave about the pros and cons of today's Politics but it is all so'senseless and destructive. I do wonder what comes next? The Media reporters seem to know all about it.Running for President means someone is going to 'dig' deeper than deep for the follies of the past - nothing 's held sacred. Who has not slipped in trying to grow up and learn? Accountability - wow! that is a big word and means somewhat the same as Responsibility - we should learn and practice these two words before we leave home. I planned my day before I crawled out of bed this morning and if I m going to write a new Post I have to say something worthwhile - so bear with me I wil talk to you soon -I will find something interesting to say - I would like to please a few followers. Any suggestions? MIZPAH!

Friday, October 7, 2016

HERE I am\-another year has passed and I am entering a New Post. I must do better than this a new post -once a year I sit at the computer and composeI will try and post at least, A few friends gave me a picnic Birthday party in the park this August. It was lovely and there was laughter and the passing of Picnic fare and of course the opening of presents.There was a terrific West wind but we managed to keep things anchored. At the end of festivities we parted and said our good-byes

It is many years ago when last I remembered celebrating a birthday out of doors - I was 18 years old
and I am ninety-eight now, the name o  f the place was Hungry Hollow and it was a strange hollow right in the middle of a long stretch of the Canadian prairie. Saskatchewan is the ancestral home of the Cree Indian. We called them Indians then,  now it is Aborigines in Canada- Native Americans here which to me seems demeaning in some strange way- at least to me
.Because my family emigrated and we spoke in a tongue familiar in Northern England,Yorkshire, close to the Scottish border and another honored tongue, but was strange and awkward in the prairie
I have spoken about language and birthdays - nothing very strange. I will write something moe inteesting.